About eap Latina | EAP Latina

Our Commitment

Our main mission is to create
+Wellbeing for people.

For 25+ years our presence in Latin America has helped companies focus on their most important asset: their people.

We work every day to be leaders in mental health care and wellbeing, committed to providing intelligent, diverse, scientifically proven and humanely well-executeds experiences and solutions that can improve the quality of life of people and organizations in Latin America.

How we do it

We are a committed team that believes the best ideas come from diverse perspectives, different skills, and from cooperation in order to boost wellbeing in an ever-changing world.

We work throughout Latin America in a collaborative and agile way to propose innovative solutions tailored to each organization that chooses us, taking into account its context, activity and collaborator

We think regionally to act locally, creating synergies between our services and our client’s resources in each Latin American country.

We have a great team of professionals specialized in different areas, who are committed to the wellbeing of people and the positive transformation of organizations.

best partner?

Having EAP Latina as a strategic partner not only transforms your company into a healthier organization, but also helps improve the wellbeing and mental health of your employees and their families.

We improve

work teams skills

We increase

employee motivation,
thus creating +Wellbeings

We build a

professional collaboration relationship with your leaders
so they can provide specialized help to their employees

We provide

tools to measure the mood
and situation of your employees

We promote

employee commitment
and talent retention

We reduce

the costs associated with absenteeism, stress level,
turnover, accidents, and low productivity

We provide

support to your organization
in critical times or specific situations

We raise awareness

and educate about the
importance of wellbeing
in people's lives

Discover our culture

We are

EAP Latina