Leading Through Critical Incidents: Strategies | EAP Latina

What leaders can do in the event of a critical incident

Usually leaders are the first to be consulted when employees are directly or indirectly involved in a potentially traumatic event such as accidents in the workplace, death, natural disasters or theft.

Assistance provided after a critical incident reduces the impact on the workplace, as well as the personal and work problems of individuals and teams caused by psychological stress.

How to act

◾ Be empathetic and sensitive about the event and the pain it caused.
◾ Understand that the event has a different impact on each person.
◾ Talk to your employees as soon as possible, especially about safety and health issues.
◾ Provide information and education materials about what happened, what to expect, and how people can take control.
◾ Enhance and support communication among employees and with managers and leaders.
◾ Understand that employees may experience a short-term reduction in focus and productivity.
◾ Educate leaders and managers on the signs of emotional distress and how to provide help and support.
◾ Provide ongoing communication until employees indicate that the need has ceased.


We want to be there for you in these difficult situations, providing immediate emotional support. Our Employee Assistance Program can provide you with all its experience in Critical Incidents that may occur in the organization.

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